Monday, September 12, 2016


Where I am there is no time,
No beginnings or endings,
Nor reason nor rhyme.

Everything is,
And everything isn't.
Tomorrow is in the past,
Yesterday the present.

I've been here awhile,
I've only just taken off my coat.
Oh! Is that the time?
I really must go!

The streetlamps are dark,
The shadows are white,
And though the the sun has just risen,
It's already well into the night.

I passed by a stop sign,
And walked backwards to see it go.
And when I came across a green light,
I stopped and watched it glow.

I ran alongside a turtle,
we laughed as we went,
And when I walked the aisle,
I took it at a sprint.

Backwards is forwards,
And up is falling down.
You read this poem top to bottom,
And in confusion you did frown.

So read it again!
And this time remember,
Left is just as right as wrong,
and roses only grow in December.

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