Thursday, November 22, 2018

red like deceit in the streets betrayal glimpsed through reflections

my darling, my dear
put away your jealous ways

tidy up your vanity
cap the cup from which your bitterness flows

my sweet, my baby
the happiness of others does not
the loss of your own

my blossom, my dove
put your fear away
allow your heart to love

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


a day of blue

is a day like any other

a day of blue
is a day

when night creeps into the sky

a day of blue
is an evening of red


and an evening of scarlet
bleeds eternally white

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Artist's Soul

I do Not own
my Artist soul
because that would mean
She does what i want

no One owns
my artist Soul
and not even she
can decide what to think

but we are Grateful
to Be together
for I Anchor
her wanderings 
a n d she
loose ns the Bond
that tethers us Both
to mereLY Existing

Monday, November 19, 2018

silent humming

there are notes in my throat
content to stay unsung

silent little syllables
in the muscles behind my tongue

why can't I sing
these sweet little words
following the cues
left by the birds